Embodying HOPE in 2014

My friend Rita sent this inspiring message on New Year’s Eve.  I share it as we contemplate our lives in 2014, and how we will respond to Wendell Berry’s question.

IMG_0922On this eve of 2014, I invite you, one of my favourite people, to spend 39 minutes with Wendell Berry, and be inspired to defend what we love. This rare interview was conducted by Bill Moyers on Earth Day 2013. I am now enjoying reading The Mad Farmer.

Writer and Farmer Wendell Berry on Hope, Direct Action, and the “Resettling” of the American Countryside

In this rare television interview with Bill Moyers, the poet, farmer, and activist Wendell Berry discusses his vision for society living in harmony with the planet.


Wendell Berry on His Hopes for Humanity from BillMoyers.com on Vimeo.

Wendell Berry, a quiet and humble man, has become an outspoken advocate for revolution. He urges immediate action as he mourns how America has turned its back on the land and rejected Jeffersonian principles of respect for the environment and sustainable agriculture. Berry warns, “People who own the world outright for profit will have to be stopped; by influence, by power, by us.”

Let’s share the inspiration.

With love,
