Archive for March 2014



Art in Reykjavik

“Economics is a useful tool, but it is neither a wise master nor a just god.”

Mary Jo Leddy

in her book, “Radical Gratitude”, page 21


Coffee mug wisdom

Coffee mug wisdom

“Humans respond reliably not to information, but to meaning.

Not to knowledge, but to understanding.

The imperative is this:

Tell me if you must, but also show me; this is the ancient way of animals.”

Alanna Mitchell in her book, “Dancing at the Dead Sea”, page 219

Climate change and geoengineering

December, 2013 ice storm in Toronto

December, 2013 ice storm in Toronto

David Suzuki says that climate change is such a serious issue that humanity will have to do everything that we can imagine to overcome its negative effects.

One suggested “solution” to the problem of climate change is called geoengineering. Suzuki’s thoughts on this are found at:

End of winter

Winter, 2014

Winter, 2014

Today(March 20, 2014), people in the northern hemisphere mark the vernal equinox, or the beginning oaf Spring.

The past winter has been so cold in our area that many of the snowmen were seen wearing scarves.

Also, it has been reported that, on Bay Street in Toronto, it was so cold in the past winter that some had their hands in their own pockets.

Posted March 20, 2014 by allanbaker in Canadian society

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Poetry – Wendell Berry

This is part of a poem called, “Travelling at Home” by Wendell Berry:

IMG_0315Even in a country you know by heart

it’s hard to go the same way twice.

The life of the going changes.

The chances change and make a new way.”

Posted March 19, 2014 by allanbaker in Inspiration

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Just Imagine …

“If you can imagine something, you can achieve it. One wish leads

to another. That’s not wishful thinking. That’s pragmatic. That changes

the world. And that’s why politics, which can be so frustrating,

can also be rewarding.”

Olivia Chow in her book, “My Journey”, page 301

Posted March 16, 2014 by allanbaker in Canadian society, Politics

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Good news for the Arctic

Received this note of good news that must be shared. The corporate controlled media may not do so:

Hi Allan,

I just got an email from a colleague in Brussels with some fantastic news.

Members of the European Parliament have passed a resolution to promote the protection of the Arctic environment. This is huge and it’s a massive step forward for our campaign!

The resolution calls for a conservation area in the waters around the North Pole. It also stresses the need for an agreement in the Arctic Council to prevent pollution from oil drilling (something which, astonishingly, the council currently doesn’t have) and calls for a ban on industrial fishing.

Now, I’m not breaking out the party hats just yet – it’s still early days for this resolution and as with all political processes, a lot still needs to happen before we see our goal become a reality.

But let’s take a moment to think about how far we’ve come: just two years ago, nobody was demanding a protected sanctuary around the North Pole. Since then, we’ve grown into a 5 million strong movement. We’ve taken part in peaceful protests, signed petitions and joined forces in hundreds of ways to challenge Shell, Gazprom and other Arctic oil drillers everywhere they go.

And today, our concerns have made it onto the agenda of one of the most powerful political bodies in the world. That’s pretty amazing.

If you’re on Facebook, you can share this good news image with your friends, or simply forward them this email.

We’re doing it. Let’s keep applying pressure and together, we can save the Arctic.

Yours hopefully,


Sunrise at Cape Spear

Sunrise at Cape Spear

“Hope is not a feeling that comes and goes with external circumstances. Hope is who we are independent of outcomes. Hope is as basic to humans as compassion and intelligence. It is always present, it never leaves us. It is not dependent on success and not afflicted by failure. Thus, it is free from fear. And without fear we can see clearly.”

Margaret Wheatley in her book; “So Far From Home: lost and found in our brave new world“, page 159

Posted March 13, 2014 by allanbaker in Inspiration

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A Comfortable Pew for you (2)

Roy Findlay creation

Roy Findlay creation

“There is no more compelling force for change than identity; it is the essential consideration at the beginning, middle, and end of change.”

Margaret Wheatley in her book,

So Far From Home: lost and found in our brave new world“, page 42

Climate justice – divestment (3)

Movement to Divest from Fossil Fuels Gaining Strength

Two recent events signify how the movement to withdraw investments from fossil fuels is gaining momentum. On Sunday February 23, the congregation at Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church in Toronto voted unanimously to ensure that none of its funds are invested in any of the world’s 200 largest fossil fuel corporations. Then, on Saturday March 1, Greening Sacred Spaces and the Green Awakening Network hosted a forum on Divestment or What? Economic Tools for Creation Advocacy in a Time of Crisis.

As Jeanne Moffat, speaking on behalf of the Climate Justice Group at Trinity-St. Paul’s, said “For too many years governments have not dealt decisively with the impending climate chaos, largely to the peril of low- income countries and low-lying regions of the world.” While this is the first example in Canada of a church deciding to divest, the climate advocacy group lists 19 religious institutions, nine post-secondary institutions, 22 municipalities, 2 counties, and 17 foundations in the U.S. as having made this commitment.

Fossil Free

Anglican Archbishop emeritus Desmond Tutu sums up the moral case for divestment by citing the key role it played in South Africa: “The divestment movement played a key role in helping liberate South Africa [from apartheid]. The corporations understood the logic of money even when they weren’t swayed by the dictates of morality. Climate change is a deeply moral issue too. Here in Africa we see the dreadful suffering of people from worsening drought, from rising food prices, from floods even though they’ve done nothing to cause the situation. Once again, we can join together as a world and put pressure where it counts.”

For more information please see Trinity-St. Paul’s Fossil Fuel Divestment Primer.
For more information please contact: 
John Dillon
Ecological Economy Program Coordinator 
416-463-5312 x 231
Toll-free: 1-877-403-8933


Posted March 10, 2014 by allanbaker in Christian Faith, Environment

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